Gift Service for the Edinburgh Clothing Store, Sunday 27th November, 10.30am

Sunday 27 November, 10.30am – Gift Service for the Edinburgh Clothing Store: By popular demand the Gift Service at 10.30am is for the Edinburgh Clothing Store. The congregation has been extremely generous in its donations to the Clothing Store at the last four Gift Services We anticipate that the need for warm winter clothing for the most needy and vulnerable in our community will be even greater than usual this year.

On the two Sundays prior to the 27 November labels will be laid out on two tables at the back of the church. Each label will have an item of clothing and the age of the boy or girl to whom this item will go. If you would like to give a gift, we are offering 4 options.

Bring on Sunday 27 November before the 10.30 am service to the table below the pulpit

If you cannot come to church on 27 November but can on the 20 November, bring your gift to the box below the elders’ pigeon holes.

If you cannot come to church on either Sunday, contact Fiona Gossip who is once again very kindly willing to collect items from your home. She can be contacted on 07850 338 908 in November from Monday – Friday between 10.00 am and 6.00 pm or email her at  If you prefer not to go shopping, cash or cheque donations are also most welcome. Please make cheques payable to The Edinburgh Clothing Store and send to 7 Greenbank Crescent. If you wish to Gift Aid your donations, include a note with your name and address and post code. State that you are a UK taxpayer and sign the note.

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