Lent Studies 2025
These studies will take place on Wednesdays 19th and 26th March, and 2nd April. There will be studies in the late morning and evening. The morning meetings will be in the St Andrew Room at 11am. Time for refreshments at the Wednesday Coffee in the Braid Hall beforehand. The evening meetings will be in the Manse (20 Braidburn Crescent), refreshments from 7.15pm, the studies will start at 7:30pm.Three themes in total, looking at different aspects of Holy Week and Easter.
Study 1 (19th March). Palm Sunday. Luke 19:28-44: Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and Weeping over Jerusalem
1. What do you notice in the Palm Sunday story?
2. What do you make of the role of the disciples, the crowd, the Pharisees?
- What might the Lord ‘have need of’ today – from the Church, from you?
- What would Jesus weep over in the Middle East today?
Study 2 (26th March). On the way to the cross. Luke 23:26-56: The Crucifixion of Jesus, Death and Burial of Jesus
- Simon of Cyrene carried the cross behind Jesus. What does ‘carrying
the cross’ mean for you today?
- At the Crucifixion scene, what and who do you notice; what do they
- Death is always difficult as a subject. What do you notice in the death
of Jesus? What does it make you think and feel?
- In the burial of Jesus what details do you notice? If you are willing to
share, what have been your experiences of death?
Study 3 (2nd April). Easter and beyond. Luke 24:1-35: The Resurrection of Jesus and The Walk to Emmaus
- What details in the Resurrection story stand out for you?
- Why might the Resurrection story have been considered, ‘an idle tale’
then, and now?
- When Jesus appeared, disguised, on the Road to Emmaus, what do
the two disciples and then Jesus say and do? What do you make of this
walking conversation?
- Arriving at Emmaus, Jesus appears to want to go further. Why? What
do you make of the meal shared, and the reaction in Emmaus, and then back in Jerusalem?
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