Church Auction – open evening drop-off 13 September
Auction to raise funds for a new audio-visual system in church and halls:
Thank you to everyone who has pledged items so far. You can drop off items with Carole at the Church Office, Cluny Centre; or we have an open evening drop-off on 13 September, from 7-9 pm. If you need help with uplift, that can be arranged – just call the office or email
We still need some good items to make the event a success, so do search your cupboards for something worthwhile!
The auction is on Friday 29 September, 7pm, with viewing on the day and the evening before. Starting next week, we will be asking for help to invigilate the viewings; to set up the items on the viewing days; and to get posters into shops, notice boards and waiting rooms.
Can anyone lend one or two lockable, glass display cases for jewellery, coins and small valuables?
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