Christmas services and events
You are warmly welcome to join us for any of our Advent and Christmas services. All are listed in our December magazine.
Friday 8th December: 4.30 – 6.00pm Community event: Morningside Christmas Lights switch-on. Carols in Braid Hall (switch-on at 6pm)
Saturday 9th December: The Church will be decorated for Christmas from 10am. All welcome to help!
Sunday 10th December 10.30am:Christmas All-Age Service. Our children present ‘An Unexpected Christmas’, based on the book by Simon Graham. All welcome, all ages! Afterwards, there will be mulled wine and Christmas refreshments.
(No 9.30am service this Sunday)
Wednesday 13th December: 7.30pm Christmas Carol Sing-along with the Edinburgh Telephone Choir in the Church.
Friday 15th December 7pm: Christingle Service, with the Children’s and Uniformed Organisations. A half hour service open to all.
Sunday 17th December:
9.30am: Early Service
10.30am: Lessons and Carols. The children will join us for the first part of the service, then go through to the halls for Christmas activities.
3pm: Blue Christmas Service. A short, half hour service in the Church for those who find Christmas a difficult time. Sometimes it is because of bereavement, sometimes it is because of loneliness, sometimes because the sheer relentlessness of the ‘season’ simply gets
too much and you need a quiet place to gather your thoughts and your energy.
If Christmas is a ‘blue’ time for you – this service is for you.
Christmas Eve – Sunday 24th December
10.30am: Morning Worship. (No 9.30am service this Sunday)
6.30pm: All-Age Service
11.00pm: Carols by Candlelight
11.30pm: Watchnight Service
Christmas Day – Sunday 25th December
10.00am: All-Age Service
Sunday 31st December
10.30am Morning Worship (no 9.30am service))
Sunday 7th January 2018:
10.30am Morning Worship (no 9.30am service)
Sunday 14th January
9.30am services resume
10.30am: Morning Worship
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