Sunday worship with Communion, 3 December
You are warmly welcome to join us at Sunday worship on 3rd December, which will include the sacrament of Communion.
9.30 am: Early Service (with Communion), in the church.
10.30 am: Morning worship with Communion – a more traditional service with choir and organ.
Worship will be led by our Locum Minister, Very Revd. Dr Andrew McLellan. Refreshments are served in the Braid Hall after both services, with a chance to meet and chat.
Please note that this morning, the Sunday Club young people will be rehearsing their Nativity Presentation for the All Age Christmas Service on 10th December, and that we will be up in the Cluny Centre (lower hall). Parents /guardians should bring their children direct to the Cluny Centre for 10.30, and we will bring them down at the end of the service.
The creche will be available as usual in the church.
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