Morning worship Sunday 5 November at 9.30 and 10.30
You are most welcome to our morning worship together on Sunday 5th November.
9.30 am: Early Service in the St Matthew Hall.
10.30 am: Service (with choir and organ) in church.
Both services will be led by our Interim Moderator, Revd. Scott McKenna, Minister of Mayfield Salisbury Parish Church. Our Locum Minister, Very Rev Dr Andrew McLellan, will be leading worship that morning at Mayfield Salisbury.
Children are most welcome. At 10.30, they participate in the first part of the service, then go out to continue with their own worship and activities at Sunday Club, in the St Matthew Hall. A creche is also available.
Tea and coffee are served in the Braid Hall after both services and visitors are warmly invited to join us.
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