Advent Study Group 30 November – click for details
Welcome to our ‘early’ Advent Study group! (The timing of Advent has varied over the centuries, sometimes starting as early as 11 November).
We’re taking as our theme the ancient Advent hymn, ‘O Come, O Come Emmanuel’. Each evening, we look at one of the verses, consider some of the biblical and theological ideas that lie behind it, and reflect on them for our lives and faith today. The course is based on a book by John Cox.
The readings for each week, and some suggestions for reflection, will be posted here (and in our Intimations) each week – see bottom of page.
The group will run on four Thursday evenings in November, 7.30-9pm.
Refreshments from 7pm, with time to meet and chat.
We are very grateful to the four people who have offered to host an evening, as follows
Thursday 9 November: Sharon Grimshaw, 40/8 Littlejohn Road
Thursday 16 November: Katie Taylor, 75 Braid Avenue
Thursday 23 November: Fiona Ross, 10 Woodburn Terrace
Thursday 30 November: Robin and Fiona Stimpson, 7 Greenbank Crescent
If anyone needs a lift on the night, Jennifer Stark, our Associate, can help – please don’t hesitate to contact her on 07802 263 979, or email
Week 1: God’s welcome to us all. Click on the link for details. Advent Study Group Week 1
Week 2: Light in the darkness. Advent study group Week 2
Week 3: Key of David. Advent Study Group Week 3 – 23 November
Week 4: Emmanuel, God with us. Advent Study Group Week 4 – 30 November
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